Gold? Treasure? Fun? Why not all three? This shoebox Leprechaun trap activity s a great way for kids and adults to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and gives them a chance to use their imaginations and explore the fantastical world. The shoebox leprechaun trap activity can be transformed into a doorway into a magical realm filled …
Kids Crafts
As educators, we understand the importance of fostering creativity and fine motor skills in our students, and this spring, it’s all about frog activities for kids! This time around, I’m teaching you how to make a poison dart frog out of clay that you can make with students in the classroom, kids at home, or …
Preschoolers are tons of fun and they love learning and exploring the world. They also get super, super excited about Halloween. Which makes doing Halloween activities for preschoolers a blast! At STEAMsational, we believe that even the youngest kids can benefit from STEM activities and science experiments, so most of the Halloween activities on this …
Space activities for kids are one thing that my children are currently obsessed with! They can’t get enough of all things space. That’s why recently, I went on a hunt for space crafts for kids, and today, I’m sharing my favorites with you! These space crafts can be done by children as young as three …
For me, something about summer just screams “ocean.” I love all things beach, saltwater, and sea life this time of year. I know I’m not the only one, because my Pinterest feed is currently filled with fun ocean-themed activities and fun for kids. I like to do more craft projects for kids during the summer …