Today, we’re wrapping up our technology section in the 31 days of STEM activities for kids series.
Technology is a hard area to teach as it is constantly evolving. I know technology will be a big part of the world for most of Monkey and Bo’s lives (and probably all of it), so it is important to me that they learn as much of it from a young age as possible, Use these project ideas and resources to build a solid technology foundation for your own kids and learn how to raise tech-savvy kids.
6 Easy Ways to Raise Tech-Savvy Kids
Use these 6 easy ways to raise tech-savvy kids (even if you are not).
Teach Kids How to Stay Safe on the Phone
Phone safety is a must for kids especially if they have phones with Internet access. This posts offers simple and practical tips that parents can use to keep kids safe on the phone.
How to keep kids safe on the phone.
Coding Apps for Kids
These coding apps for kids offer practice in building logic skills as well as teach valuable, marketable skills that children can use after they learn coding languages used in the world today to create apps, computer programs, video games, and more.
The best coding apps for kids.
How to Make a Stop Motion Video
Stop motion videos are a fun way to explore video making and set design. We made a stop motion video using jelly beans and had a blast! Follow along with our instructions to make your own video.
How to make a stop-motion video with jellybeans.
Educational You-Tube Channels for Kids
There are a lot of channels on YouTube that are just about Minecraft, but these channels are kid-friendly and move beyond simply watching someone else play a video game. Your kids will learn something and have fun at the same time.
Educational YouTube channels for kids.
How to Build a Minecraft Chessboard
Monkey created this tutorial all on her own. She designed and built a chessboard in Minecraft and is sharing her tutorial with you.
How to build a Minecraft chessboard.
How to Keep Kids Safe Online
The online world is necessary, but also dangerous. Use these practical tips to help keep your kids safe online as they navigate the minefield that is the Internet.
Check out the other posts in the 31 days of STEM activities for kids series!
Find more STEM activities for kids here.