Connect with your kids and teach binary coding at the same time in this fun coding bracelets activity for kids! This is one of our favorite technology activities for kids!
“What if the other kids don’t like me?” my daughter asks me.
She’s nervous about entering a new school after a recent move.
“Of course they will like you,” I tell her. “You’re awesome.”
But she hangs her head and doesn’t look convinced.

My daughter has ADHD, a condition that commonly leads to anxiety and low self-esteem, especially in girls.
My daughter is a superkid, and she should feel as amazing as she really is.
But her ADHD makes it a little harder for her to connect with other kids, especially as she nears middle school.
At my daughter’s age, it becomes harder to provide accommodations in the classroom that are age-appropriate.
I want her to have what she requires to succeed in school, but I also don’t want her to stand out in a way that makes her a target for other kids.
How to Make a Binary Code Bracelet
Our binary coding bracelets said “Kind” and “Superkid,” but you can choose any word you want to celebrate the amazingness of your kids.
This activity would also make an amazing first-day-of-school activity to help children start the year on the right foot.
Coding bracelets are a lot of fun to make and can teach kids a lot about how computers talk to one another and read the input that we give them.
What is Binary?
Binary is a pattern of zeros and ones that have meaning attached to them. Binary is a base-2 number system (as opposed to our normal base 10 system) invented by Gottfried Leibniz.
The 0 and 1 in binary represent either off or on. 0 means no flow of electricity and 1 means electricity is flowing. Even though computers don’t necessarily turn the electricity on and off in the same way anymore, we use this two-number system to communicate a lot of information in a computer!

Binary Secret Message Phrases:
- Unique
- Awesome
- Kind
- Brave
- Spirited
- Creative
- Fierce
- Superkid
- Bright
- Smart
- Calm
- Friendly
- Gentle
- Amazing
Special note: Depending on the size of your beads, you might want to use shorter words rather than longer ones. Our beads were medium-sized, and Superkid was almost too big for my daughter’s wrist once it was in binary.
Supplies to Make Binary Code Bracelets
How to Make a Secret Message Bracelet Using Binary

Decide what colors you want to use. Each bracelet will only use two colors, but you can use a third color for the elastic.
We used pipe cleaners as our arm bands, but if you want bracelets that the child can wear over and over, use elastic string so it is easy to take on and off.
If your child doesn’t want to wear a bracelet, these can also be made into keychains or backpack pulls.

Follow the binary pattern to make your words. Tie the ends of the string together, and wear with pride!
It’s a little thing, but my daughter’s confidence was boosted as she wore her secret words of affirmation binary coding bracelets.
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