Don’t miss these Santa Claus crafts for kids of all ages! Santa crafts are so fun for preschool, elementary school, or home! There is nothing quite like a fun Santa Claus craft to get kids excited about the upcoming holiday. While we don’t really “do” Santa as far as our kids actually believing that he …
Art/Design STEAM Activities
Whether you live in an area that gets a lot of snow each year, or maybe no snow at all, these snowman crafts for kids will be a great winter activity this year for your kids. Nothing says winter more than a snowman (aside from winter STEM activities for kids), and I have found some …
Share the message and history of Thanksgiving with these Pilgrim crafts for kids. Here you’ll find a list of culturally appropriate Thanksgiving crafts. In November, we celebrate the day when Native Americans shared their food with starving Pilgrims during that fateful long and horrible winter. The Pilgrims were unprepared to handle the harsh weather of …
Who else has so much fun making Thanksgiving crafts? There is something that is so much fun about little turkeys, pies, and other Thanksgiving themes during Thanksgiving break and November that bring some magic to the time before Christmas. These egg carton Thanksgiving crafts are even more adorable, and they are perfect for making in …
When making thanksgiving crafts, you can’t miss out on crafts for preschoolers! This list of preschool Thanksgiving crafts is the perfect list of Thanksgiving crafts for the preschool classroom and for kids 3 and 4 years old. Browse the list below and pick out a couple to try this November with your preschoolers! If you’re …
There are so many engineering activities for kids that have engineering design challenges for younger kids, but what about older elementary students? What engineering design activities can third through fifth graders do? Well, with this paper plate STEM roller coaster design challenge, elementary students will learn all about forces and motion, physics, and types of …