You’ll always find us completing STEM activities, and we love making our STEM activities related to an upcoming holiday. These Earth Day STEM activities help teach kids about recycling, biomes, carbon footprints, water filtration, pollution, and even global warming.
Earth Day STEM challenges are one of the best holidays to use as a bridge to STEM, because not only are most problems in the world caused by technology, we use science, technology, engineering, and math to help prevent and make up for these other problems.

Use these Earth Day STEM activities in your classroom, daycare, or home to teach kids about the world we all live in.
What are Earth Day STEM Challenges for Students?
An Earth Day project is simply a STEM activity that has an Earth Day theme!
Many common NGS standards and other school standards require science lessons to include lessons on caring for the earth.
On Earth Day, try these fun Earth Day STEM activities with your class! And if you’re celebrating Earth Day at home, you can do these activities at home, too!

If you can’t get enough of these Earth Day activities, check out the weather STEAM pack, filled with fun earth-day themed activities and weather science learning for kids!
Earth Day STEM Activities to Inspire Kids to Care for Our World
Try these fun Earth Day projects for students and teach kids how to care for the world with active, hands-on projects!
It’s important to show elementary kids why it is so important to care for our world and create solutions to the problems that humans have created.
Climate change is real, and it is up to us to help heal some of the damage that has been done to the world over the past several hundred years since the industrial revolution.
Humans and nature must be able to find a way to co-exist without causing more damage that will end up harming all living things.
Earth Day Science Projects

Give these earth-themed science projects a try! Earth Day science activities for elementary students is super fun!
Make recycled Egg Shell Gardens and watch grass grow.
Learn about biomes and Build a Desert Biome!
Learn about Global Warming with Earth Day Toast.
Try the Carbon Footprint Activity and learn how much damage we do to the ecosystem!
Learn about Animal Habitats and find out how animals adapt to changes in the world.
Make a Water Cycle in a Bag to learn about the water cycle.
Earth Day Seed Planters are a popular STEM activity for Earth Day!
Make a Terrarium in a Jar and create your own ecosystem.
Earth Day Technology Activities
Try these Earth Day STEM activities with a technology twist! Earth Day technology activities show students how technology can be used to heal the world and not hurt it!
Learn How Recycled Paper is Made.
Make a Model Waterworks and learn how water is filtered.
Melt Crayons with Solar Energy and see how heat can be used as energy!
Earth Day Engineering Projects

Try these Earth Day engineering projects with your class! Kids will enjoy these Earth Day engineering activities.
Create Your Own Mini Landfill!
Try the Earth Day Robot Design Challenge and build a robot who recycles for you.
Try the Exploring Solar Heat experiment.
Earth Day Math Activities
Try these Earth-themed math activities! We can’t forget about math, even on Earth Day!
There are tons of Earth Day Math Worksheets here.
These Earth Fractions are a fun way to learn about fractions.
Try these Earth Day Math Activities in class.
Recycling Science Activities

These recycling science activities are a lot of fun for kids! Teach about ways to recycle, types of recycling, benefits of recycling, and more!
Play this simple Sort the Recycling Game.
Build a Tabletop Recycling Center Model!
Water Pollution Activities
If you’re learning about water pollution, try these activities. Kids will remember this lesson for years to come!
This Water Pollution STEM Activity will teach kids how to keep water clean.
These Water Pollution Activities are perfect for elementary kids.
Teach Kids about Water Pollution and get them to think differently about the water they use and see!