Kids will love making their very own walking rainbow experiment from just three colors as a fun addition to rainbow science experiments. It’s amazing how color mixing science experiments for kids can make something spectacular! The Walking rainbow science project is a classic science experiment that we’ve tried before. It was a lot of fun to …
Looking for a fun popcorn experiment? This dancing popcorn experiment is the perfect way to test the duration and effectiveness of different chemical reactions, and it takes just 3 ingredients to complete! This is one of our favorite quick STEM activities to try in the classroom or at home. And who doesn’t love popcorn science? …
STEM activities (activities with elements of science, technology, engineering, and math) help children see that science and math can have a creative element, too. Try these quick STEM activities when you don’t have tons of time to plan! In today’s world, technology seeps into everything we do, and children can be taught to approach all …
All everyone seems to talk about right now are STEM activities. STEM activities can be quite complicated, but they don’t have to be. These easy STEM activities for 5th grade are perfect for kids in fifth grade and teach the basics of science, technology, engineering, and math. STEM activities are so much fun, and fifth …
This time of year, we’re all tired. Teachers are tired, and parents are tired, but you know who’s not tired? Kids. Kids are not tired. Kids are super hyper and excited about Halloween. My preschooler asks every single day in October, “Is it Halloween, yet?” I’d like to know who decided that Halloween should be …
We love doing creative STEM activities for kids. When we first started out with 31 days of STEM activities one summer back in 2016, I had no idea that would become my fulltime career one day! It’s crazy to think that this milk surface tension science experiment started STEAMsational. Keep reading to learn how to …