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How to Make a LEGO Rainbow with Classic LEGO Bricks

This LEGO rainbow, along with our other easy LEGO creations, can be made using bricks you already own! Learn how to make a LEGO rainbow here, but don’t be fooled, It’s harder than you think!

LEGOs are one of our favorite toys. My kids love building and creating with LEGOs, but sometimes, they get a little stumped on what to create once they’ve made their original sets.

Inspired by LEGO Creations by Sara Dees, this LEGO rainbow can be made using bricks you already own! It's harder than you think!

When we were given a copy of Awesome LEGO Creations, a whole new world was opened up to my kids.

Not only did they have a blast trying to recreate the sets in the book, they were also inspired to make their own easy LEGO creations not in the book as part of an engineering activity for kids challenge.

LEGOs make wonderful STEM activities tools.

How to Make a LEGO Rainbow from Classic LEGO Bricks!

The first thing they thought to make was to make a LEGO rainbow. Learn how to make a LEGO rainbow using our instructions!

The first thing they thought to make was to make a LEGO rainbow. Learn how to make a LEGO rainbow using our instructions!

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Easy LEGO Creations: LEGO Rainbow

lego stem activity

You think building a LEGO rainbow would be easy, but it isn’t!

It took my girls quite some time to figure out what pieces they needed to use and how many of each piece they needed to use to make a rounded rainbow from LEGO.

Their engineering brains were definitely stretched with this challenge!

lego rainbow

What you’ll need to make a LEGO rainbow:

Inspired by LEGO Creations by Sara Dees, this LEGO rainbow can be made using bricks you already own! It's harder than you think!
rainbow lesson bundle

LEGO Rainbow Directions

lego rainbow instructions

If you don’t give kids instructions, they will realize that making a rainbow that has a round shape from square bricks is quite the challenge! If you want to try it out yourself, try our LEGO rainbow challenge below.

LEGO Rainbow Challenge Instructions

Right away, my girls realized they didn’t have as many orange bricks as the other colors. So their rainbow is a bit skimpy on orange.

Because they were so short on orange, they decided to switch out where yellow and orange normally go, so instead of a ROYGBIV rainbow, they made a RYOGBP rainbow.

They also realized we don’t really have any purple LEGOs in this shape! So they used pink instead.

The girls found it was easiest if you start with the bottom of the rainbow and work your way up.

Here is the base.

Inspired by LEGO Creations by Sara Dees, this LEGO rainbow can be made using bricks you already own! It's harder than you think!

This is the middle.

Inspired by LEGO Creations by Sara Dees, this LEGO rainbow can be made using bricks you already own! It's harder than you think!

Finally, add the top!

Inspired by LEGO Creations by Sara Dees, this LEGO rainbow can be made using bricks you already own! It's harder than you think!

If you want your rainbow to stand on its own, add some white clouds to support your rainbow!

how to make a lego rainbow
lego challenge cards

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