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How To Make The BEST Jelly Slime Recipe!

Jelly slime is so interesting because it has a texture that feels like jelly or jam. The jelly slime recipe also feels cool to the touch, and is just a fun variation on slime recipes!

Jelly slime isn’t sold in stores as much as other types of slime, which means that if you want to play with it, you have to learn how to make slime with jelly! If you want to learn how to make jelly slime, keep reading!

The best jelly slime recipe for making textured slime that feels and looks like jelly! One secret ingredient makes this slime turn to jelly!

DIY Jelly Slime Recipe

The best jelly slime recipe for making textured slime that feels and looks like jelly! One secret ingredient makes this slime turn to jelly!

What is Jelly Slime?

Jelly slime is a slime that is a bit more watery than some other slime versions, and it has a secret ingredient. The secret ingredient is what gives the slime its jelly-like texture.

The secret ingredient for jelly slime is instant snow!

Ingredients to Make Jelly Slime

Here is what you need to make jelly slime recipes:

The Best Materials for Making Slime

Here is what you need to make every basic slime recipe on STEAMsational!

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Elmer’s White Glue

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Elmer’s Clear Glue

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Borax Powder

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Slime Activator

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Instant Snow

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Shaving Cream

We always use laundry starch as our slime activator as we find that it performs the best and it’s super cheap! We also like Elmer’s official slime activator, but it’s a lot more expensive than laundry starch. If you can get either of these activators, go ahead and use contact lens solution.

slime stem activity

Why is My Slime Watery?

One common problem with jelly slime is that it can get too watery. Because the instant snow particles contain a lot of water, this slime just tends to be slimier than some other slimes like our best fluffy slime, which has a texture more similar to a pillow.

Jelly slime is a true slime and does get watery and messy.

However, if it is sticking to your hands, it’s too watery. Add a bit more glue and starch to thicken it up a bit.

Why isn’t my Slime Stretchy?

In most cases, your jelly slime will always be stretchy. However, since it is more watery, it won’t stretch as much as it will ooze. That’s just the nature of this kind of slime!

But if you want it to be stretchier, you can try adding more glue and activator, but you will lose some of the “jelly” feeling.

Jelly slime isn't sold in stores as much as other types of slime, which means that if you want to play with it, you have to make it! If you want to learn how to make jelly slime, keep reading!

How to Make the Jelly Slime Recipe

Making jelly slime is super easy! Here’s what you need to do:

First, mix your glue and coloring. Set aside. We like to use 1/2 a cup per color usually.

Pour about a teaspoon of snow powder into a container and add water. Keep adding water until the snow turns clear.

making jelly slime

Add your snow to your colored glue mixture. The more snow you add, the more jelly-like the slime will be.

Next, add your slime activator. Since the water and snow is a wildcard for this recipe, there isn’t an exact amount of activator to add.

finished slime jelly

I usually start with half as much activator as I used for glue (in this case, start with 1/4 of a cup). Stir, and then add more activator until the slime no longer sticks to your hands.

The slime jelly is finished!

jelly slime rainbow

One thing I found is that the colors mix *really* fast with this type of slime. We started out with blue, pink, and yellow, and within about 30 seconds it all turned to green!

green jelly slime

So you may just want to go ahead and stick to one color for this slime recipe.

slime stem activity

More Slime Recipes to Try

How to Make Edible Taffy Slime You Can Really Eat!

DIY ABC Chewed Bubblegum Slime Recipe- Gross Out Your Friends!

How to Make Lotion Slime (the softest, stretchiest slime!)

Mirror slime

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