There is something fascinating about the circus. Even though the Barnum and Bailey Circus is now closed, there are still plenty of circus and carnival activities that kids can do. Kids love the animals, candy, games, and fun that go along with the circus.
Harness this love of the circus with a preschool circus theme! This STEM unit is perfect for a circus unit study for preschool, kindergarten, and for daycare and homeschool themes. Check out our the rest of our circus STEM activities here!

Circus Activities for a Preschool Circus Theme
Try these fun educational circus activities to complete a preschool circus theme! Most of these activities will also work in a kindergarten class or daycare setting.
Books About the Circus
During your preschool circus theme, read these books!
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- If I Ran the Circus
- A Day at the Circus
- See the Circus
- You See a Circus, I See…
- The Greatest Show on Earth: The History of the Circus
Circus Science Experiments
You can learn about science at the circus, too!
Elephant Toothpaste from STEAMsational
Balloon Color Matching from From ABCs to ACTs

Circus Literacy Activities
Learning to read is more fun at the circus!
C is for Circus Do-a-Dot Printabels from From ABCs to ACTs
Circus Literacy Pack from Homeschool Creations
Circus Alphabet Puzzles from The Kindergarten Connection
Circus Literacy Printables from 3 Boys and a Dog
Circus Math Activities
Learn to count and add at the circus!
Circus Sorting Worksheet from From ABCs to ACTs
Circus Math Pack from Homeschool Creations
Circus Math Worksheets from Meaningful Mama
Circus Crafts
These circus crafts are simply adorable.
Circus Tent Craft from The OT Toolbox
Handprint Elephant from Glued to My Crafts
Paint Stick Clowns from Kids Activities Blog
Paper Plate Lion Mask from Handmade Charlotte
Paper Plate Elephant from I Heart Crafty Things
Circus Fine Motor Activities
Boost those pre-writing skills with these activities.
Circus Fine Motor Popcorn from From ABCs to ACTs
Circus Fine Motor Worksheets from Learning 2 Walk
Cotton Candy Play Dough from Mama Miss
More Circus Activities to Try
Easy to Make (and low mess) Circus Slime Recipe
Circus Theme Classroom Ideas that Inspire A Love of Learning
20+ Exciting and Creative Circus Art Activities for Curious Kids
- Cotton candy slime
- LEGO acrobat
- Circus peanuts science experiment