If you love snow and are lucky enough to have some this winter season, try these super-fun snow science experiments! Winter science experiments have never been so fun for little scientists.
Snow is one of our family’s favorite things. Unfortunately, we live in Texas, where we are lucky to get even a light dusting of snow once a year.
That doesn’t leave much room for turning our snow day into educational fun, but when we do get those rare winter weather days, we take full advantage of the cold temperatures and turn our little pile of snow into a science lesson.
If you’re lucky enough to live around snow for the majority of winter, these snow science experiments are the perfect way to bring your education outdoors.
Try these fun science activities with snow and enjoy snowy weather conditions in even more ways!
Winter Science Experiments that Use Real Snow!
If there is snow on the ground where you live, the learning doesn’t have to stop! Take a few minutes and transform ordinary snow into a fun experiment covering many science topics like a chemical reaction, making a frozen bubble, the density of snow, how ice melts, tracking temperature changes, how ice forms, and more.
These simple science experiments are so much fun and are a fun introduction for kids of all ages —yes, even your older kids!
What is Snow Science?
Snow forms in ancrysta interesting way. Snowflakes are made in the sky when water vapor starts to freeze.
As the vapor moves around in the atmosphere, it gradually becomes a snowflake. Snowflakes start as tiny ice crystals.
Once they have formed, the ice crystals stick together and make unique crystal shapes. In fact, even though snowflakes have specific patterns that they make, no two are exactly alike!
Snowflakes start small but grow larger with each new crystal that forms on the surface. Snowflakes can be as small as one micron (0.001mm) in diameter and as large as 10cm across!
A snow storm forms when millions of snowflakes fall at once.
Snow Science Experiments Instructions
All science experiments, whether they are snow science experiments or other types of science experiments, must use the scientific method.
The scientific method is a structured approach to science experiments that uses a systematic and measurable approach.
The scientific method consists of making observations, formulating a hypothesis, and drawing conclusions based on experiment results.. The steps are followed as outlined below:
- Observation:- Look at the snowflakes that are coming down outside.
- Hypothesis:- I believe snow is made from frozen water.
- Experiment:- Put some snow in a cup and bring it inside. Wait a few minutes and observe what happens.
- Conclusion:- The snow did melt into water, proving the hypothesis correct.
The Benefits of Snow Science Experiments for Kids
Science experiments for kids are a great way to develop a child’s interest in STEM subjects and also develop skills like creative thinking and learning how to solve problems.
Snow science experiments are a great way to expose kids to the world of science and how everything in the world is connected through science. Completing snow science experiments allows kids to explore concepts such as physics, chemistry, and weather in a fun and hands-on way.
Other benefits of snow science experiments include:
- Developing problem solving skills
- Developing scientific reasoning skills
- Developing critical thinking skills
- Learning how to use scientific tools and technology
- Learning how to work collaboratively
- Improving their creativity and imagination
- Fostering a lifelong love of science
How to Make Science Fun for Kids
Fun snow science experiments are a great way for children to explore the world around them.
If you’re not a teacher, or haven’t had much experience in teaching science, you may not know how to begin to introduce hands-on science experiments to your kids or students.
Here are some ways that parents, teachers, and caregivers can help their children enjoy science experiments and make it fun.
- Making sure that you set up the experiment in a safe place.
- Encouraging them by saying “this is going to be exciting!”
- Explaining how the experiment works before starting.
- Providing a checklist of items the child needs for the experiment.
- Gathering all supplies and instructions in advance.
- Giving the child some choices in how to do the experiment following the scientific method.
- Reassure children that science is not about doing something “right” but rather a test of an idea. If the test looks like it fails, the experiment was still a success because you learned something new.
I always like to provide either a science experiment worksheet or a science journal so that children can record their results. Young kids can draw their experiments, while older children can write about them.
Supplies for Snow Science Experiments
Make sure you have these supplies on hand before getting started with your kids’ snow activities!
Whether it is your first time doing any snow STEM activity or you’ve done winter activities like these dozens of times, you’ll need certain supplies to make your snow experiments a success!
First, you’ll need at least a cup of snow and probably a whole lot more!
You’ll also find the following supplies useful. I usually get my supplies from Amazon (these are Amazon affiliate links), but you can find most of these things in your local craft shop, too.
- Paper towels
- Food coloring
- Clear jar
- Alka-seltzer tablets
- Magnifying glass
- Baking soda
- Shaving cream
- A cup of vinegar
- Ice cubes
More Winter Science Lessons
Love the snow experiments on this list? You may also like these other fun winter science lessons!
- Fun Winter Science Experiments in Jars
- Easy Winter Science Experiments for Preschoolers
- 20+ Crazy Ice Science Experiments and Tricks to Try
- Winter Animal Crafts for Kids
Science Experiments with Snow for Kids
If you are lucky enough to live in a place with snow, these snow science projects are perfect to try when there is a lot of snow lying on the ground.
Some experiments can be done outside, while others use snow taken indoors so you can learn where it’s warm.
Snow crystals can be used in so many fun winter science activities, such as to make a snow volcano, crystal snowflakes, what happens to snow at different freezing temperatures- and a whole lot more!
An easy winter science experiment is a lot of fun to try in the white powder we call snow. Get detailed instructions on how to complete each of the snow science experiments in this list below!
The coldest time of year is a great time for sensory play and science learning.
Each simple experiment and its detailed instruction can be printed using the box below!
Snow Science Activities for Kids
Try these other snow science experiments and activities with kids this year when snow is on the ground. Kids will have a blast trying out these various snow activities and might never want to come in again!
Ice Cream in a Bag Science Experiment
Did you know you can make ice cream from snow? Follow these directions to
learn how to make ice cream in a bag and switch out the ice for snow! Make sure
it's clean!
How to Make Frost in a Jar
You can make your own snow with this frosty jar science experiment! It's a fun way to feel like you can change weather right in front of your eyes!
How to Make Instant Ice in 5 Seconds
Using a cool science trick, you can pour liquid and have it turn to snow and ice right before your eyes. It seems magical but it's all about science!
Colorful Snow Volcano Experiment
Try the Snow Volcano Experiment. Transform a snowbank into a volcano! This activity adds a fun twist to the classic volcano science experiment.
How to Make Frost in a Can
Making frost in a can is a classic winter science experiment that makes snow and ice on the outside of a can!
Melting Magic ~ Snow Ice
Find out how quickly snow melts, and how much water is in snow.
Snowman Weather Gauge STEM Activity
Make a cute snow gauge and keep track of how much snow falls in your area!
Snow Volume Experiment
Find out how much water is in snow in this fun snow experiment!
Snow and Water Science Experiment
Find out if snow melts faster with cold, warm, or hot water added.
Melting Snow Science Experiment
Find out if placing jars of snow in different locations will change how
quickly it melts.
How to build an igloo (directions & pictures) Check out the hack!
Get out in the snow and build a huge fort! Use physics and math to make sure
it doesn't fall down.
Animal Tracking Scavenger Hunt
Go outside in the snow and see what animal tracks you can find!
Frozen Bubbles
It takes a REALLY cold day for this experiment, but it's super fun if you
have the chance to try it.
Colour Mixing in the Snow
Make snow your canvas and practice color mixing.