Looking for winter science experiments for preschoolers? These science projects are perfect for preschool kids! One of my favorite things to do with my kids are STEM activities and science experiments. We love giving our science experiments a seasonal twist, which is why we have so many winter STEM activities for preschoolers here on STEAMsational.
Aside from writing, science is my second-favorite subject to teach. We didn’t do many science experiments growing up, so I love the chance to do more hands-on science with my kids.

Easy Winter Science Experiments for Preschoolers
Here are easy winter science activities for preschool that will be the talk of your classroom.
If you love working with preschool science, try these preschool science experiments with a winter theme!
Supplies for Winter Science Experiments for Preschoolers
Make sure to have these supplies on hand before getting started with your preschool science experiments for winter!
Winter STEM Classroom Sets
If you don’t have time to gather the supplies yourself, you’ll love these winter science experiment kits for the classroom!
Most of these fun experiment boxes are designed for elementary school, but many of them touch on middle school science topics as well.

Hands-On Winter Science Experiments for Preschoolers
Try these fun winter science experiments for preschoolers! It’s a fun way to bring science activities into the preschool classroom.

Learn to how to make frost in a can!
Try your hand at winter slime!
Your preschoolers will love learning how to do the snowstorm in a jar science fair project. Don’t be surprised if your kids ask to do this project over and over!
Check out these fun hibernation science activities for preschoolers to learn how some animals survive the winter.
Winter Teacher Shirts
Here are some fun shirts that teachers will love wearing during the winter months.
Spread Kindness Like Snowflakes Teacher Shirt
Proud Supporter of Snow Days Teacher Shirt
Reading is Snow Much Fun Teacher Shirt
I Need a Snow Day Teacher Shirt
Supporter of Snow Days Teacher Sweatshirt
More Winter Activities for Preschoolers
Here are more fun winter activities for preschoolers!
P is for Penguin Alphabet Craft
Winter Fine Motor Activities for Kids
Animals in Winter Books
Here are some of our favorite books about animals in the winter and arctic animals!

What do Critters do in the Winter?
Hiders Seekers Finders Keepers
In these winter animal science experiments preschoolers will learn all about animals in the winter.
And preschoolers can learn about what animals do to adapt to the winter season with these animals in winter preschool activities.
Watch the video below to learn how to do the fizzing snowflakes science experiment.
Preschoolers will love this magical way to create ice from super-cold water. How does it work? Read the full tutorial on how to make instant ice in 5 seconds.
If you live in an area where it doesn’t freeze much, your preschoolers may like learning about rain and cold weather during the winter. Here is a fun experiment on what makes rain fall that preschoolers will love. Check out how to make a cloud in a jar.
Try making borax crystal snowflakes with your kiddos. They will have a blast doing this activity!
How amazing is this snow volcano experiment? Preschoolers and toddlers will love watching snow erupt into colorful goo.
preschoolers can learn about hibernation in these hibernation science activities for preschool.
What do animals do in the winter? Teach preschoolers in these winter animal science experiments.
Winter Weather Books for Kids
These STEM books for winter will teach kids about winter weather in a fun, colorful way!
Her is an entire preschool unit study based around the scientific study of animals’ winter habits. Even my 8-year-old would love learning about how different animals do different things during the winter!
If you don’t live in a snowy area (we rarely get snow), your preschoolers will love helping you may this faux-snow dough from Huckleberry Love.
Here is a fun experiment that preschoolers will love from Mom to 2 Posh Little Divas. What makes ice melt the fastest?
What preschooler doesn’t like hot cocoa? Fantastic Fun and Learning has a fun twist on baking soda and vinegar using hot chocolate. You’ll probably want to also have some actual cocoa on hand to prevent a riot. 🙂
If it’s below freezing where you live, your tots and preschoolers will love blowing frozen bubbles. What Do We Do All Day offers tips for making it work better.
Here is the list of fun winter science experiments in jars!
Preschool Inspirations offers some helpful tips on how to make a winter nature walk science-oriented. Preschoolers will love searching for all kids of things outdoors!
These colorful icicles from Housing a Forest would make an amazing and memorable science experiment for preschoolers about how ice forms! Visit Housing a Forest for instructions.
These study ideas from Inspiration Laboratories shows preschoolers how to examine pine trees using the scientific method.
Try out some of these winter science experiments next time you have a few minutes to explore! You may all learn something new!