Winter temperatures are dropping fast. That means it’s time for all things winter themed like these winter STEM activities for preschoolers in the classroom. Kids will love to play with these winter fine motor activities for preschoolers and toddlers! While playing, kids will also boost fine motor skills that will help them develop writing skills later down the road.
Try a few of these winter fine motor activities to boost cutting skills, grip, hand strength, pre-writing skills, and all the other fine motor skills kids need before they are ready to write.

These winter fine motor activities are perfect for preschoolers, toddlers, and kindergartners.
Fine Motor Activity Basics
Fine motor activities are perfect for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarten kids to help them develop hand strength and pre-writing skills.
Kids will have a blast with these simple preschool winter fine motor activities that you can do in a classroom, at a daycare, or in your own home!
Table of Contents
The Benefits of Fine Motor Activities for Preschoolers
Winter fine motor activities prepare children to use their hands for difficult tasks, such as buttoning buttons, molding clay, and eventually, writing.
Fine motor skills build hand strength and dexterity and prepare children to write better and function better in their world.

These fine motor activities are a fun way to bring fine motor skills into the winter.
Winter fine motor activities for preschoolers are not only fun but also provide valuable learning opportunities. Here are some skills and concepts that preschoolers can learn through these activities beyond just fine motor skills winter crafts.
Winter activities often involve small movements and manipulation of objects, which help strengthen fine motor skills. These skills are essential for tasks like writing and buttoning.
Activities like threading beads onto a string or using tweezers to pick up small objects require hand-eye coordination, which is crucial for tasks that involve precision.
Many winter fine motor activities involve using a pincer grasp, where children use their thumb and index finger to pick up small objects. This grasp is important for writing and drawing.
Some activities, such as creating snowflake designs or arranging small objects in a specific order, encourage pattern recognition and spatial awareness.
Sorting and counting objects like snowflakes, buttons, or beads during winter activities can help preschoolers develop early math skills.
Conversations about winter themes, such as snow, cold, and winter animals, can enhance vocabulary and language development.
Activities involving different textures, such as snow, glitter, or cotton balls, provide sensory experiences that stimulate a child’s senses and creativity.
STEM Teaching Resources
These teaching resources will make your STEM classroom more fun and rewarding for your students!

Other Winter Activities for Preschoolers to Try
Here are some other fun winter preschool activities that your preschoolers will love!
- Winter Science Experiments for Preschoolers
- Winter STEM Activities for Preschoolers
- Preschool Snowman Printables
The Top 20 Winter Fine Motor Activities for Preschoolers
Kids will love these fun hands-on winter fine motor activities for preschoolers that are as fun as they are educational.
Try these snowflake-soft winter fine motor activities at home or try them in your classroom before the weather gets warm.
It’s a great way to practice fine motor activities with fine motor skills winter crafts and activities.

Kids can build fine motor skills by searching for penguins buried in the snow!
Lining these penguins up boosts fine motor skills and develops counting skills at the same time!
Decorate this P is for Penguin craft and build fine motor skills along with literacy skills.
Winter STEM Classroom Sets
If you don’t have time to gather the supplies yourself, you’ll love these winter science experiment kits for the classroom!
Most of these fun experiment boxes are designed for elementary school, but many of them touch on middle school science topics as well.

Kids will love dressing penguins up in one of our favorite fine motor crafts!
Try this beaded winter snowflake activity with your preschool class to develop hand-eye coordination with your 3 and 4 year olds.
This fine motor mitten number match is the perfect winter fine motor activity for kids!
Preschoolers will have a blast playing and learning with this fine motor snowball names activity.
Learn about snowflakes and boost fine motor skills at the same time with this winter fine motor snowflake craft.
My Favorite STEM Products for the Preschool Classroom
These STEM products are perfect for the preschool STEM classroom!
Homer Technology App for Kids 4-6
Mel Science Classroom STEM Kits
Primary Sorting Classroom Bundle
Specimen Viewers Classroom Set
Filling hot chocolate 10-frames with marshmallows is a fun fine motor counting activity.
Fixing a jumbled snowman builds fine motor skills in kids.
Sugar snowflake painting is a fun way to build fine motor skills.
Build Snowflakes from cotton swabs and get that pincer grasp steady!
Winter themed counting clip cards are tons of fun for kids and work math skills and fine motor skills at the same time.
Make winter tinker trays and explore many types of fine motor skills at once.
Build snowflake puzzles for a fun fine motor activity.
Have fun when your preschoolers open their own snowman factory.
Build towers from sugar cubes and make a creative building design.
These paper snowflakes help build scissor skills.
Any of these winter sensory activities will help preschoolers practice the pre-writing skills they need to succeed.
Preschoolers can strengthen hand grip and strength when making this sparkling winter slime.
Winter Teacher Shirts
Here are some fun shirts that teachers will love wearing during the winter months.
Spread Kindness Like Snowflakes Teacher Shirt
Proud Supporter of Snow Days Teacher Shirt
Reading is Snow Much Fun Teacher Shirt
I Need a Snow Day Teacher Shirt