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Gooey Frog Egg Slime Recipe- Just 3 ingredients!

Don’t miss out on this super fun frog egg slime recipe when completing these hands-on frog activities for kids! Also called frog spawn slime and frog eggs slime, this frog slime recipe mimics the appearance of frog eggs and frog spawn, which can act as a fun hands-on way to teach kids about the first stage of a frog’s life cycle. It’s a fun way to mix art with science and spring learning!

In a lively classroom setting, eager elementary or middle school students eagerly anticipate the Gooey Fun: Making Frog Slime Activity. Exploring the world of frog slime, they learn about frogs' habitats and unique characteristics before diving into hands-on experimentation.

Check out how to make frog egg slime using our recipe below!

How to Make Frog Egg Slime

Here is how to make this fun frog slime and frog egg slime recipe that looks and feels similar to the texture and appearance of frog egg clusters.

Adding the green food coloring and plastic frogs in this frog egg slime recipe is optional, but fun, too!

Here is how to make this frog slime recipe that creates frog egg slime with students and kids of all ages!

Frog Science Books for the Classroom

Here are some books to learn more about frogs with your class!

from tadpole to frog book

From Tadpole to Frog Book

the frog scientist book

The Frog Scientist Book

a frogs life cycle book

A Frog’s Life Cycle Book

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Frogs: Scholastic Discovery Book

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Frog Heaven: Ecology of a Vernal Pool Book

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Frog Song Book

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Poison Dart Frogs Book

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Poison Dart Frogs Up Close Book

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Face to Face with Frogs National Geographic Book

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Science Comics: Frogs

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Why Frogs are Wet Book

What You Need to Make Frog Slime

Here is what you will need to make this frog egg slime. Learning how to make frog egg slime is simple when you have the correct supplies!

1 3

If you’re not exactly feeling DIY today, that’s not a problem. Here are some ready made materials that you can get for the class right here!

Remember, having all supplies on hand before starting this project ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience.

poison dart frog coloring sheets

Questions about Frogs from Kids

Here are some frog facts for kids that answer kids common questions about frogs that you can discuss while playing with and making your frog egg slime.

Do frogs excrete slime?

Frogs don’t excrete slime like snails or slugs do.

Instead, frogs have moist skin that helps them stay hydrated and protects them from drying out. This skin isn’t quite like slime, but it does keep frogs comfortable and safe in their environment.

What is the jelly-like substance in frog eggs?

The jelly-like substance you find around frog eggs is called “frog spawn.” It’s a protective covering that keeps the eggs safe and moist.

This covering helps the eggs develop properly and shields them from harm until they hatch into tadpoles. Just like a cozy blanket, frog spawn keeps the eggs snug and secure.

How to make fake frog eggs?

Making fake frog eggs is easy! all you have to do is make some slime and add some small black and round beads to mimic the appearance and texture of a clutch of frog eggs floating in a pond.

How do you make frogs spawn slime?

Follow along with the recipe at the bottom of the post to learn how to make frogs spawn slime!

Fun Facts about Slime

Here are some fun facts about slime to share with your kids while making this frog slime recipe!

What is the history of slime?

Ancient civilizations, like the Greeks and Egyptians, used natural materials like tree sap and animal collagen to create sticky substances similar to modern-day slime. It’s amazing to think that our gooey fun has roots in ancient innovation!

Here’s another fascinating tidbit: the word “slime” comes from the Old English word “slīm,” meaning “mud.” Throughout history, slime has been used for various purposes, from adhesive in construction to medicine for treating wounds.

Today, slime is a staple of science classrooms and a favorite sensory activity for kids worldwide.

Frog Shirts for Teachers

When learning about frogs, wear these awesome frog shirts for teachers!

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Frog Hawaiian Shirt

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Teaching Frogs Shirt

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Frog Socks for Teachers

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Poison Dart Frog Shirt

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Dangerous Frogs Shirt

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Happy Frogs Teaching Shirt

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Cottagecore Teacher Shirt

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Teach Kids to Read Frog Teacher Shirt

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100 Days of School 100 Days Smarter Frog Teacher Shirt

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Teaching is Un-frog-gettable Teacher Shirt

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Read Books Be Kind Frog Shirt

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Ultimate Frog Guide Shirt

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Frog and Toad Book Shirt

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Poison Dart Frog Socks

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Frog Life Cycle Shirt

What can slime do?

Did you know that making slime can actually be a stress-reliever? The tactile sensation of squishing and stretching slime has been shown to have a calming effect on both children and adults. It’s like your very own portable stress ball!

How does slime work?

It all comes down to polymers! Polymers are long chains of molecules that give slime its stretchiness and elasticity. When we mix ingredients like glue and borax together, we’re creating a chemical reaction that links these polymer chains, forming a squishy, moldable substance.

To make this hands-on frog egg slime recipe, follow along with this simple tutorial for how to make a stretch, gooey, frog slime that looks just like frog spawn!

What is the science of slime?

Slime is a non-Newtonian fluid! That means its viscosity (or thickness) can change depending on the force applied to it.

\When you slowly stretch slime, it behaves like a thick liquid, but when you apply sudden force, it acts more like a solid.

Slime Books for Kids

Here are some fun books about slime that you can purchase and have hundreds of unique slime recipes to try at home or in your classroom!

STEM Extension Ideas to Learn about Frogs

Here are some STEM extensions you can use alongside the frog egg slime to learn more about a frogs life cycle and other fun things about frogs!

Slime Science Extensions

Explore alternative slime recipes using household items like laundry detergent or contact lens solution to understand the role of different chemicals in slime formation.

Here are some more ways to explore science with slime:

Slime Technology Extensions

Connect slime-making to real-world environmental issues by discussing the impact of pollution on aquatic habitats, including frogs’ natural habitats. Explore ways to reduce plastic waste by using biodegradable alternatives to traditional slime ingredients and discuss the importance of sustainability in STEM.

Here are some more ways to explore technology with slime:

Slime Engineering Extensions

Challenge students to engineer solutions to common slime-making problems, such as creating a slime that changes color in response to temperature or designing packaging that prevents slime from drying out. Encourage creativity and critical thinking as students design, prototype, and test their solutions.

Here are some design changes that completely change a slime’s texture!

Slime Art Activities

Combine art and STEM by challenging students to create slime sculptures or slime-based artworks. Experiment with different colors, textures, and additives to explore the creative possibilities of slime as a medium for artistic expression.

Here are some other ideas for slime art:

Slime Math Extensions

Use slime-making as an opportunity to practice mathematical modeling and problem-solving skills. Have students calculate ingredient ratios to scale slime recipes for different batch sizes or design experiments to investigate the relationship between ingredient proportions and slime properties.

Explore the physics of non-Newtonian fluids by conducting experiments to measure the viscosity and elasticity of different slime recipes. Use tools like viscometers or rheometers to quantify slime properties and discuss how these properties affect the behavior of slime under different conditions.

Here are some more ways to learn about math using slime:

Frog Teaching Resources

Here are some teaching resources you can use alongside any study of frogs!


Frog Math Busy Bag

frog life cycle mat

Frog Life Cycle Mat

frog math word probems

Frog Math Story Word Problems Box

tropical frogs memory match game

Tropical Frogs Memory Sort Game

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Frog Classroom Timer

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Amazing Frogs of the World Science Kit

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Life Cycle Sequencing Puzzles

frog life cycle blocks

Real Life Cycle Specimens

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Frog Life Cycle Blocks

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Frog Abacus

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Fair and Square Insect Kit

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Sum Swamp Game

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Frog Raising Starter Kit

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Rainforest Frogs Toys

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Frog Life Cycle Puzzle

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Parts of a Frog Plushie

4d frog anatomy model

4D Frog Anatomy Model

frog life cycle kit

Frog Life Cycle Kit

More Frog Activities to Try

Here are some other slime activities and frog project ideas for kids including a frog egg sensory bin, frog science worksheets, and how to draw a poison dart frog!

Spring STEM Lesson Plans

If you want ready-to-go, low-prep spring lesson plans, you’ll love these resources. Spring science can have an emphasis on regeneration, growth, new life, birth, seasons, and weather.

How to Make Fake Frog Eggs? Slime Frog Spawn Recipe

Here is how to make your very own frog slime recipe.

poison dart frog coloring sheets

Click on the handy print button to print out this recipe and use it off-screen!

Frog Slime Activity

Frog Slime Activity

To make this hands-on frog egg slime recipe, follow along with this simple tutorial for how to make a stretch, gooey, frog slime that looks just like frog spawn!


  • Elmer's clear glue
  • Elmer's slime activator
  • Soap dye
  • Small black beads
  • Small plastic frogs


  • Measuring spoons and cups
  • STEM worksheet
  • Mixing bowls
  • Spoons or forks for stirring


  1. First, mix the clear glue with green soap dye.20240216 111244 scaled

Add slime activator, about one tablespoon at a time, until the slime gels together and is no longer sticky to the touch.

Add the beads to make the frog spawn eggs inside the jelly slime. 20240216 111002 scaled

Knead and stretch the slime for several minutes to incorporate all of the slime activator. 20240216 111058 scaled

  1. You can never go wrong with adding more of our amphibian buddies to the party! 20240216 110847 scaled
  2. For additional fun, students can also use their frog slime on their activity mat to get those creative juices flowing!20240216 110842 scaled
  3. Grab the play mat from Fair and Square Kids.

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Frog Shirts for Teachers

When learning about frogs, wear these awesome frog shirts for teachers!

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Teaching Frogs Shirt

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Poison Dart Frog Shirt

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Frog and Toad Book Shirt

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Poison Dart Frog Socks

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Frog Life Cycle Shirt

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