The annual science fair is sometimes a dreaded affair, because, let’s be real, it’s the parents and teachers who have to do a lot of the work to make any science fair project a success. If you’re bored of classic science fair projects, perhaps it’s time to mix things up and do winter science fair projects!
These science fair experiments are all winter-themed, and are easily adapted to answer a variety of common science fair questions. So, grab your science journal, grab your kid, and get to investigating!
You may find that with these winter science experiments, the science fair is a lot more fun!
What is a Science Fair Project?
A science fair project is simply a science experiment that is documented.
At most science fairs, children present their experiments after they are complete, documenting the process along the way and bringing a demonstration of their results to the fair.
The children first come up with a question to answer, then a hypothesis on what they believe the solution will be.
In some cases they are right, and sometimes not, but the process is what the science fair is all about.
Tips for a Successful Science Fair Project
If this is one of your first times completing a formal science fair project, then you’ll want to know a few things up front.
First of all, most teachers provide a rubric of what they expect from the children and their projects. If your child gets one of those, make sure that the project fits within those guidelines.
Second, pick a topic that is of interest to your child. There is nothing worse than having to force a child to investigate something they could not care less about.
That’s why most of our experiments at STEAMsational have a bit of a “wow factor” that helps retain the interest of the child.
Present some ideas to your child, or let them lead the way with a question they want to answer.
And the final piece of advice is to do the work in advance. Trying to scramble the day before the assignment is due is just a recipe for disaster when it comes to science experiments.
Leave at least a week for experimenting and data recording. Best of all, start planning and implementing as soon as the assignment is passed out.
Here are fun winter science experiments in jars!
Now on to the list of winter science fair projects!
The Ultimate List of Winter Science Fair Projects
If you have a winter science fair coming up (or if you just really like winter!), these winter science fair projects will spark ideas and offer a fun way to explore winter science.
Turn this classic science demonstration into a science experiment by testing variables, like what oil makes the most realistic snow, trying other reactants in the jar, or testing if the temperature of the liquids makes a difference.
Don’t forget to present a hypothesis!
This simple winter science project shows how frost works. This experiment is a science demonstration as is, but with a hypothesis, like “adding salt to the ice won’t make the frost appear faster” then you’re on your way to a true science experiment!
Don’t forget to add variables, test, and record data.
This science experiment is well worth the time and effort it takes to complete because the results are like magic! This winter science experiment transforms a baking soda and vinegar solution into sodium acetate. Since this experiment requires some variables, it is a wonderful science project, and the final results are quite impressive!
Test variables like how many crystals to use as seeds for the ice tower, the ratio of baking soda to vinegar, boiling time, and the temperature of the ice.
Burning Ice Science Experiment
This experiment was invented by my own daughter when she was in 5th grade. She wanted to know if it was possible to burn ice (her hypothesis was that there *had* to be a way).
So, we tested several methods to try to see if ice could burn.
This question is a wonderful base for a winter science fair project, and the results are quite spectacular!
This experiment tests whether it is possible to get water and oil to mix. In this version, oil cubes were thrown into water to see if changing oil into a solid helped mix water and oil.
Test various methods for mixing oil and water and record the data if you do this as a winter science fair project.
Why does salt melt ice? In this experiment, kids can form a hypothesis on why salt melts ice, and whether that can improve the safety of roads during winter.
Variables to test could include ice sheets vs cubes, how much salt is used, and how long the salt is allowed to sit.
Instant Ice Science Experiment
This science demonstration on instant ice crystals can be transformed into a science fair project by solving a problem or introducing variables. Instant ice forms when purified water is used.
Variables to test could be the best temperature for instant ice, how many impurities stop instant ice from forming, and how much force is required to start the crystallization process.
This winter science experiment plays around with magnification and light refraction. My daughter wanted to know if it was possible to turn a piece of ice into a magnifying glass, and this experiment was born.
By shaping the ice like a lens, it is possible to magnify things with just ice! This activity would make a fun winter science fair project for middle school or elementary.
These are some excellent science experiments that would work in a science fair setting.
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